Latest Ophthalmology Technologies and the Future of Ophthalmology

Advances in science and technology have changed the world we live in- we can easily perform surgeries that once seemed impossible, we’ve found cures for diseases that our ancestors had to treat as a threat, and the future holds no bounds, including in the world of ophthalmology. Recent advancements in ophthalmology have changed the way we look at, and consequently operate on, the human eye. We’ve discovered and developed ways to improve vision, treat glaucoma and perform precise cosmetic surgery, and with medicine advancing so quickly, it can be hard to keep up. We’re here to discuss the latest advancements in ophthalmology technologies to keep you informed of the possibilities available to you.
 Hollywood Eye 1.3.4.Advancements in Ophthalmology Technologies
Laser Cataract: New technology has completely changed the way we approach laser cataract and has opened up a world with the possibility of performing more surgeries simultaneously with cataract surgery. Lasers have the ability to make perfect zigzag incisions which interlock precisely, something humans are manually incapable of, and should dramatically improve overall outcomes and safety. The result? The already effective and routine cataract surgery will become even more efficient and safe.

Glaucoma Procedures: Advances in glaucoma procedures, and more specifically the advent of micro-invasive surgery and intern stents, allow patients to decrease, or even eliminate, the need for glaucoma medication by lowering IOP. Femtosecond laser pulses also offer a promising future for customized incisions which would allow a level of preciseness that is not attainable manually.

So what do these advancements mean? Eye surgeries have and will continue to become safer and more efficient and as a result, more popular. Surgeries that patients once feared are now routine for ophthalmologists and the advances we’ve made and the future innovations to come will make them a viable option for anyone who may benefit from them.

If you’re looking to learn more about ophthalmology technologies or have any of the above procedures done, contact us!