Dry eyes are a common condition for many individuals. There are various conditions that cause dry eyes- read more here. 

One of the newest and most efficient ways of treating dry eyes is through a new and innovative procedure using iLux®.

iLux® is a new procedure that allows individualized targeted treatment of evaporative dry eye. The iLux treatment applies light-based heat to the eyelid, melting the trapped oils within the glands. After warming each lid in two different spots, focus-guided compressions are performed to express oils out of the glands.

The innovative and personalized iLux® MGD Treatment System addresses Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), a leading cause of dry eye. Handheld and portable, the iLux® Device with Smart Tip Patient Interface enable ECPs to directly target a patient’s blocked Meibomian glands through the application of light-based heat and compression under direct visualization. The device expands the company’s current dry eye treatment offerings and allows practitioners to tailor treatment to the needs of each of their patients with dry eye disease in a matter of minutes.

If you are suffering from dry eyes, contact our office to learn more about this new treatment available.  Hollywood Eye Institute at 954-447-0606 or click here.

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