Discover the common eye conditions many individuals experience. Common eye conditions include astigmatism, myopia, presbyopia and hyperopia. A yearly comprehensive eye exam is recommended in order to detect any conditions an individual may have. A comprehensive eye exam consists of several tests to examine your vision and to assess the overall health of your vision. Contact us, to schedule your comprehensive eye appointment with Dr. Greenbaum.

With age the lens loses its ability to change its length or shape making it difficult to see objects up close. This condition happens slowly and is usually noticed at around the age of 45.

Myopia (nearsightedness)
When light entering the eye is focused incorrectly making far-away objects appear blurry. Family history of nearsightedness makes it more likely to develop it. Myopia is usually first noticed in school-aged/teenagers and gets worse throughout the growth years. Normally, nearsightedness stops progressing as a person stops growing in his or her early twenties.

Hyperopia (farsightedness)
When the visual image is focused behind the retina making it difficult to see near objects. Similarly to Myopia, family history makes it more likely to develop farsightedness. The condition may be caused by weak focusing power or the eyeball being too small. Often, hyperopia is present from birth and outgrown due to the flexibility of the young lens.
When either the cornea (clear tissue that covers the front of the eye) is abnormally curved or the lens is misshapen, causing blurry vision and making it difficult to see fine details, either close up or from a distance. The cause of Astigmatism is unknown, but the refractive error is very common.