Blepharitis is a chronic condition that leads to red, itchy, irritated eyelids and the formation of crust on the eyelashes. It is a common condition caused by a bacterial overgrowth or a skin condition such as rosacea. The condition affects people of all ages. It is uncomfortable but not contagious and generally does not cause permanent damage to the eyesight.

The symptoms are many and may include a gritty or burning sensation in the eyes, tearing, redness or swelling of the eyelids or crusting of the lashes. Over time, it can lead to blurred vision and inflammation of the cornea. It is critical to seek treatment immediately in order to manage the uncomfortable symptoms.

Blepharitis can be tough to manage due to the fact it is a chronic condition. Good eyelid hygiene can control blepharitis in many cases. Other treatments include antibiotics and/or anti-inflammatory medications. Some cases of blepharitis may require more complex treatment plans. A complete blepharitis cure does not exist.The disease seldom disappears completely and even with successful treatment relapses may occur. However, to effectively manage the condition, good eyelid hygiene and use of prescription medication, prescribed by your ophthalmologist, will treat the symptoms.

For a full diagnosis and to discuss treatment options with Dr. Greenbaum, contact us to schedule an appointment.